The Lunatic Farmer

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            Imagine if we had social media, internet, and Amazon when somebody said…

             The earth was round.

            The Black Death wasn't witches and hexes.

            Slavery should be abolished.

            Women should be allowed to vote.

            Feeding distillers' grains to dairy cows is not a good idea.

            Hydrogenated vegetable oil should be replaced with lard and butter.


            Silencing the unorthodox has always been official policy of culture's most powerful interests.  The more powerful an entity, the more aggressive it is toward the unorthodox and the more threatened it feels by heretics.  If there is one reason to NOT buy from the largest entities it is to control their absolute power.

             Amazon confirmed this principle a couple of days ago by refusing to carry THE CONTAGION MYTH, a new book by Dr. Thomas Cowan and Sally Fallon Morell questioning the origins and science behind the orthodox coronavirus narrative.  If what they say in this book is true, it threatens the entire medical establishment protocol, the pharmaceutical industry's plans to cash in millions on vaccines, the entire vaccine efficacy, and the veracity of every establishment disease and medical professional.

             That's a pretty big target.  Here is a little teaser from publicity about the book:

 The disease called Covid-19 is not contagious and scientists have not properly isolated and purified a virus associated with the disease. The illness, characterized by lack of oxygen, widespread clotting, electrical or “fizzing” feelings, and degeneration of the lungs, fits the description of radiation poisoning from exposure to electromagnetic frequencies. The most likely culprit: microwave radiation from fifth generation wireless—5G. The Covid-19 illness has appeared following the deployment of 5G first in Wuhan, then in Europe and then in large cities in the United States.


            If that doesn't make you want to read more, I don't know what else could.  But Amazon is scared to have you read this.  For sure, Amazon is a private company and can ban anything they want.  Interestingly, it has not been banned by Barnes and Noble, Books-a-Million, Indiebound or Target, all of whom are smaller players in the internet marketplace and all of whom should be patronized BEFORE buying from Amazon.  This whole escapade verifies my basic thesis above.


            Because Amazon is the biggest and most powerful player in the space, it's the most protective of all things status quo; hence, the book ban.  But this is the same mentality that makes the Democrats and Republicans ban the other bona-fide candidates from the presidential debate stage:  the Socialists, Constitutionalists, Libertarians and others I may not know about.  What on earth could possibly be wrong with letting people research and hear diversified viewpoints?  The only thing such a policy threatens is the entrenched orthodoxy.


            One of the responses to my post about the 12 story Chinese pig factorsies a couple of days ago made a fascinating point:  if Americans began putting in backyard chickens in earnest, enough to actually destroy the current laying hen factory farming system, be assured we'd have regulations to deny backyard chickens.


            I have no idea if Sally and Dr. Tom are right on this Covid-19 position, but denying people an alternative viewpoint certainly doesn't embrace the idea of diversity and inclusion.  I hope everyone buys this book not just to expand the narrative options and expand the mind, but to let Amazon know ideas should not be censored.


            Every time a traffic fatality occurs, I notice an ambulance present.  In my jump-to-conclusion mentality, Isn't it logical to deduce that ambulances cause traffic fatalities?