The Lunatic Farmer

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My co-author of BEYOND LABELS, Sina, sent me an interesting missive this morning following an exchange we had about 5G.  Apparently the USDA is being lobbied by big ag for a $5 billion 5G rollout to get every farm up to speed for the internet of things on the farm:  how many steps does cow #55 take a day, you know, stuff like that.  Or how much chlorophyll is soybean plant number 5,667, 793, 224,002 utilizing?

  I don't know if high speed cable would do the same thing, but this spring the government gave utilities permission to lay high speed cable underneath their power lines.  Since power lines are already here and don't give off nearly the electromagnetic field of 5G towers, that seems like a better alternative to me.  All of that exchange sparked this missive from Sina this morning, and I asked her if I could share it because it's pertinent:

  I've heard the 5G-COVID association from several individuals who I respect, such as Mike Adams and Del Bigtree.  I'm adamantly opposed to 5G.  I'll take underground high speed cable any day over 5G. 

  A laundry list of studies currently exist in the scientific literature that solidify an association between EMFs, at a lesser intensity than 5G, and disease, anxiety, depression, insomnia, etc.  One of the most interesting online health summits I've listened to was The Body Electric Summit.  It included a host of scientists and researchers on this topic who explained pertinent mechanisms.  One mechanism that I found particularly fascinating and relatable came from a study where subjects held a cell phone in one hand.  The phone was turned on but not in use.  After 5 minutes, blood was drawn from that hand.  Shockingly, the red blood cells in that location were deformed; they were misshaped to such an extent that they were not able to travel through tiny capillaries any longer.

  You know how the US Dietary Guidelines may be revised to include a recommendation for breastfed babies to eat meat because breast milk is reportedly low in Zinc?  I'm certain part of the reason the milk is low in Zinc is because of the rise in autoimmune diseases, which is disproportionately higher among women.  Chronic inflammation can lead to low Zinc levels, especially as resources such as CuZnSOD are "used up" trying to manage the inflammatory response.  That's the obvious answer.  However, it just so happens that studies have shown EMFs can reduce Zinc levels as well.  I'm certain that EMFs play a critical role in lower Zn levels in breast milk due to the near chronic exposure to EMFs among the majority of our society. Every client I have worked with showed improvements after dramatically reducing their EMF exposure, and most of them didn't realize EMFs could harm them. 

  Isn't that fascinating?  The thing that strikes me about this discussion is how the dots connect in a circle, not in a line.  That's the way most things are, and yet in our western reductionist paradigm we tend to think only in linear terms.

  When do you think Dr. Fauci will tell us to at least take zinc and reduce cell phone usage until a Covid vaccine comes out?