The Lunatic Farmer

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            We don't normally do that in our sophisticated society; we just censor.  Take away their voice.

             In order to keep it alive after YouTube banned and censored it for inconvenience, I'm going to re-publicize the critical elements of the news conference called by two California emergency room Covid doctors:  Dr. Artin Masihi and Dr. Dan Erikson, with Accelerated Urgent Care in Bakersfield, California.

             These are front line doctors who dared to challenge the orthodox narrative and have now been burned at the stake by the god of social media.  Here are highlights:

 1.  Isolating the healthy makes no sense.  Never in human history have healthy people been quarantined.  You quarantine the sick and weak, not the healthy.

 2.  How will coronavirus lessen?  It either burns itself out or we get herd immunity.  (My note:  We've had flu vaccine for how many decades?  Anyone saying a coronavirus vaccine will save us is spreading misinformation.)

 3.  Normal flora is your immune system's defense.  Do you want your immune system destroyed or built?  The immune system is built by exposure to antigens; small children crawl on the floor and eat dirt; we don't put them in bubble wrap. 

 4.  Immune systems need touching.  "When you take that away from me, my immune system drops."  In other words, your quarantining destroys my immune system.

 5.  If you hide in your home, you reduce your immune system.

 6.  Masks and gloves make no sense microbiologically--the foamates are everywhere and it doesn't matter whether it's your skin or a synthetic surface.

 7.  Ancillary problems are skyrocketing, and these are things that affect folks for a lifetime, not an inconvenient week of fever:

             a.  child molestation

            b.  spousal abuse

            c.  alcoholism

            d.  anxiety

            e.  depression

            f.  suicide

            g.  economic collapse

 8.  Morbidity causes are almost always multiple; why is covid listed as the cause on the death certificate?

 9.  Big businesses are open; small businesses aren't.  That's NOT science.

 10.  When we re-open, we'll see a spike in sicknesses because of weakened immune systems due to withdrawal from the antigen soup.

             Bottom line:  we've known now for some time that sheltering and closing businesses is emphatically the wrong thing.  What's the real agenda?

             I would simply add, since I'm not a conspiracy advocate, the agenda could be as simple as a president the media hates, a media shark syndrome to frenzy feed on sensation and hysteria, and a culture of sheeple without the ability to think.  It may really just be that simple.

             Remember the admonition from Peter Bane in his permaculture book:  the most important thing to preserve in times of epochal change is the freedom to think and act differently.

             Do you think the doctors should be silenced by YouTube, what amounts to modern burning at the stake?