The Lunatic Farmer

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             The media is aflutter over President Biden's executive order giving farmers more freedom to sue their agriculture oligarch captors, otherwise known by names like Tyson, Perdue, Cargill, Archer Daniel's Midland, JBS Holdings and Iowa Beef Packers and others.

             Farmers who voluntarily signed these agreements with corporate entities now feel abused by their taskmasters.  They feel enslaved, and actually use slavery type lingo to express their indignation.

             So President Biden gives these farmers a bit more freedom to sue their masters.  That's like re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

             If President Biden wants to actually help the situation, he should take the shackles off the enslaved food system and allow farmers and consumers to interact without a bureaucrat meddling between every transaction.

             Never before has a more transparent, real time auditing system facilitated self-monitoring through the internet.  Never before has shipping been more efficient and affordable.  But here we are, stuck in an industrial bureaucratic mindset that every chicken must be licensed and every hamburger must pass through a labyrinth of compliance hurdles and regulators.

             The answer to farmer enslavement is food freedom.  Until the first supermarket appeared in 1946 and for a decade thereafter, farmers could freely and easily can soup and butcher chickens--without regulation--and send these products via the U.S.Postal Service, to their urban consumers.  But as consumers opted for the nameless faceless supermarket and farmers opted for the nameless faceless corporate sponsors, government regulation creep eroded these market freedoms.

             The freedom of private contract, guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, no longer exists in any kind of practical form.  From minimum wage laws to raw milk regulations, our society assumes that it's normal and even necessary for a government agent to certify every food transaction.

             This creates the centralized farm enslavement and corporate-government cronyism that eventuated in the current system.  Offering freedom to sue options does not change the current system.  The only thing that will change the current system is a shot of liberty and freedom.  How about a FOOD EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION?

             Baptize the country in that and you would see an explosion of entrepreneurial local food commerce that would completely break the backs of these corporate tyrants.  Consumers could acquire more affordable food, better quality food, and have far more choice in the marketplace.  The only losers would be the big corporate agriculture interests.  No, President Biden, the answer is not more litigation; the answer is to free up our food system from the litigation of your own bureaucrat agents who confiscate raw milk, harass direct market farmers, and require scale-prejudicial infrastructure and licensing before a farmer can sell a chicken to a neighbor.  Call off your henchmen.  Call off your tyrants, and free our farmers, consumers, and food system.

             One of the grievances against King George in the Declaration of Independence was that "He has sent to our shores hordes of investigators to harass our people and eat out their substance."  They're here on your watch, President Biden, and if you really want to help, release us from their tyranny.

             The problem is you, my friend, not the big bad boys at Tyson.  Worse than refusing to recognize a problem is putting a bunch of effort in a non-solution.  You might as well do nothing as something that's hollow.

             If you could sell directly from your farm without government interference, what would you like to offer your neighbors?

* Illegal bag coming soon to farm store/online *