The Lunatic Farmer

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Throughout history, one of the most consistent characteristics of collapsing empires is bloated, bureaucratic, overly regulatory government.  In a last gasp to grasp control of the civilization, entrenched powers prey upon innovators.

            Isn’t it interesting that in a time when people want the government out of their bodies (abortion), out of their bedrooms (same sex marriage, etc.), and out of their psychotics (marijuana) they seem to have no problem with bureaucrats getting between lips and throat by controlling food availability?

            Hence, the Rogue Food Conference (RFC), which has held six national shindigs since its inception three years ago.  It features food transaction schemes that successfully circumvent food police.  Some folks simply limit sales to a clearer constitutional right of private contract.  Some folks create a way to transfer food without it being a sale (in commerce).

            For all the variety stacked on shelves at Wal-Mart, everything there comes through a narrow funnel called “government inspected.”  You won’t find Aunt Mary’s chicken pot pie or cousin Jethro’s homemade summer sausage.  And raw milk?  Forget it.  Coca-Cola, Snickers bars, and Lucky Charms are perfectly legal.  But artisanal, non-chemicalized, homemade beef stew isn’t.

            We can’t imagine the variety and quality of food that would be available if small-scale food entrepreneurs could access the market without licenses and government sniffers. Would charlatans exist?  Of course.  People ask as if industrial food cronies are all pure as the wind-driven snow. But Uberizing the food system can work just as well as it does with ride sharing.

            Building a parallel universe is paramount, folks.  We need to quit trying to comply and just circumvent.  Let’s outsmart the bureaucrats, one bite at a time.  

            With all this in mind, I’m thrilled to announce the next RFC in the Pacific Northwest.  Yes, we’ve heard you and we’re coming your way Nov. 3-4 in Battle Ground, WASHINGTON.  Here’s the link for more information and to get tickets  Having attended each one of these over the last three years, I can tell you that nothing comes close to drinking out of a liberty firehouse like these RFC shindigs.  I believe in this effort enough to go without compensation.  Looking forward to seeing you there.