The Lunatic Farmer

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            It finally happened.  I got roped into a podcast. 

             But take heart, I'm not the brains of it.  No, the brains would go to Dr. Sina McCullough, my partner in crime writing BEYOND LABELS.  She's a powerhouse and approached me about doing a podcast together some time ago and today the first one launches.

             Here is the link Beyond Labels Podcast with Joel Salatin and Dr. Sina McCullough

             We've recorded three so far; I won't be on all of them but it looks like I'll be on most.  Sina and I have a wonderful chemistry together--the farmer and the PhD.  She's a quintessential researcher and always has the latest studies on whatever topic is of interest.  For her part, she says she enjoys what I bring to the table as a farmer, and that's extremely affirming.  Every farmer needs a PhD fan.  I guess I believe her.

             In this first podcast, for example, she had a hot-off-the-press study from Israel comparing susceptibility to the Delta variant between people who had had Covid but had not taken the big pharma solution versus those who had taken the orthodox treatment.  The difference will astound you--it's not a percentage; it's exponential.

             We expect all the cutting edge studies on this to come from Israel since they were the first and most aggressive nation to get their population injected with the big pharma solution.

             You're going to love our first guest, Dr. Peter Osborne, who wrote the book NO GRAIN, NO PAIN.  As a farmer, I pushed him to explain why grain became such a staple of the human diet.  He's been researching the origins of our grain fixation all his life and has some fascinating anthropological notions.

             Those of you who know me well know that this medium is not my comfort zone, but we have a big sign hanging up in our farm office:  "Success requires you to collaborate with people you wouldn't normally enjoy."  Sina does that for me--she makes me go places I would never go on my own.  But isn't that one of the most wonderful things about good relationships?

             This will bring a whole cadre of interesting people into our discussion process and I hope you'll enjoy the information Sina and I can bring to you.

             Do you listen to podcasts?