I have a fairly extensive speaking schedule around the world, and today it began to really collapse. I can see things in April postponing, but one postponed that was scheduled for Oct. 24. Really? Does anyone think we're going to be in this situation Oct. 24?
Read MoreRead MoreIf the coronavirus changes protocols in our culture, it will have been well worth it. Time will tell. What is the coronavirus teaching us?
Can you spare another few minutes of coronavirus chatter? The Wall Street Journal yesterday carried an article about a New Jersey school teacher who took his class to Italy and contracted the coronavirus and almost died. His story is terrifying and his warnings dire.
Read MoreThe Freedom Hub is dedicated to all liberty-minded options in health. I was a guest on their program last year. On an upcoming program, they will highlight the work of Jawad Arshad, an emergency room doctor who got so fed up with health care bureaucracy that he finally developed a Health Cash Market app.
Read MoreI'm learning a ton about events and food trucks. As we plan the Mother Earth News (MEN) fair here July 17-18 (www.motherearthfair.com) the nuances of what we want and what we don't want become more complex by the day. It's fascinating.
Read MoreI'm not a member of any political party and move freely between liberals and libertarians. If somebody embraces food freedom, I don't care what political persuasion they're from; I'll promote them.
Read MoreYesterday I spent the day with the organizers of what promises to be the largest nature resort east of the Mississippi. The 550 acre property is currently just forest, but things will happen soon as it takes shape. It's located west of Strasburg, Virginia out Route 55….
Read MoreAs you know, coronavirus is front and center. Yesterday for the first time I had a guy refuse to shake my hand after a speech, citing coronavirus fears. I was taken aback. You mean people can't touch anymore?
Read MoreI had the distinct pleasure of spending the day Friday with America's foremost horse logging forestry expert, Jason Rutledge. He's going to be conducting live cutting and selection workshops with his horses at the Mother Earth News fair here at Polyface July 17-18. Do you have your tickets yet? Hint hint.
Read MoreYesterday I introduced you to a new book coming out this summer by Diana Rodgers and Robb Wolff titled SACRED COW. I read the manuscript over the weekend and it's excellent for those of us who want to save the health of ourselves and the planet with responsibly raised livestock and eating meat.
Read MoreOver the weekend I finished reading a manuscript by Diana Rodgers and Robb Wolff titled SACRED COW. It'll be both a book and a documentary; the documentary is supposed to be debuted at the Mother Earth Fair here July 17-18, hopefully at a local theater on Saturday night, July 18.
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