People have accused  me of being extreme and my hiatus reflects a time of thoughtful introspection on how I want to use this blog.

             Two days ago I watched the documentary PLANDEMIC.  Powerful.  I've watched interviews with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.  where he says that a group of European doctors traveled to Africa to do an all-mortality comparison between people who had been vaccinated and those who hadn't.  Africa now is the only place where large percentages of the population have not been vaccinated for anything.

             In the study, according to Kennedy, people who received any vaccination at all were 10 times more likely to die of something else than those who had not ever received any vaccine.  This was an all-mortality study.  The point was that while a vaccine may or may not keep you from dying of the particular disease target, it affects the whole immune system in ways we still don't understand.

             And then yesterday, the U.S. Senate General Laws and Technology committee considered "SB 1451, Covid-19 vaccine; access to state and public property by persons who choose not to receive."

             In other words this bill would prohibit anyone from entering government-owned property without a vaccine.  That would include courts.  That would include prisons.  So if I went to prison, I assume they'd inject me with a vaccine before locking me up.  It would include BLM land, state parks, national parks, national monuments and perhaps all roads--they're owned by the government.

             That such a bill would even be written is chilling enough, let alone 5 supporters.  Did anyone living in Germany's Weimar Republic think that in a scant decade the government would exterminate 6 million Jews?  I suppose if I'd suggested Hitler was not a good person I would have been called extreme.

             In any case, 5 of our Senators voted affirmatively on this bill and fortunately 9 voted against it.  In a slim 9-5 vote, this draconian bill was "passed by indefinitely."  Whew!  But are we really this close to forced national vaccination?  Apparently.

             That is not just disheartening; it is downright terrifying.  Where are the abortionists who cry "my body, my choice?"  Where are the right to lifers who cry "sanctity of life?"  The nearly unanimous acquiescence to bow before this evil tyranny should make anyone who wants to control their destiny, make personal bodily decisions, and "live a quiet peaceable life" seek a fortress of protection against the coming onslaught.

             Remember, fear destroys cognitive function.  So we dare not fear.  No, what we do is prepare to disengage from vulnerabilities.  I don't know yet what all that means, but I can assure you that more and more people are calling me asking how to create a rural haven.  When the Nazis took over Amsterdam, a million people starved to death.  The ones who survived had connections to someone in the country that could provide some food.

            Our country seems to be moving toward anti-choice and personal free will to choose. This does not scare me; it steels me to strive even more to surround myself and our farm with a community of people who know how to build things, repair things, and grow things. Those represent independence and true wealth. Let's invest in relationships! 

             What does disengagement look like?

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