Happy New Year, everyone.
I preached Sunday, filling in for our pastor, who was out of town. As a text, I used probably the most famous Bible story in all history: David and Goliath. I’ve always thought of it as a “faith overcoming obstacles” kind of lesson, but the more I studied and sought God’s leading, I realized that’s not what it’s about at all. It’s about David choosing to engage.
The breakthrough in my thinking came when I realized Goliath was not an obstacle to David; he was an intersection that hated God and wanted to destroy His children. David was there because his dad wanted him to take bread and cheese to his three older brothers, who had joined the military to fight the Philistines. Nobody would have thought ill of David, or that he shirked anything, had he simply delivered the goods and returned home.
But he CHOSE to engage. Everyone else was scared to death, including King Saul. Teenaged David could have turned around and headed home and been an obedient, trustworthy lad. But he CHOSE to engage. So Goliath is not losing your job, getting sick, having a divorce—you know, all those obstacles and hurdles that come up in our lives. He was a person or movement that shakes its fist in the face of God and threatens to destroy His children. We never when or where a Goliath will show up, but when he does, I pray for the fortitude to CHOOSE to engage.
For all my non-Christian friends—and I know I have many of you on this blog—this is not a slam against you. I work with all sorts of people from every religion, ethnicity, and background. This is not about David picking a fight, it’s about Goliath picking a fight. David didn’t start it, but he sure ended it. So to my non-Christian friends, I love peace. If you do too, we’re good.
With that in mind, I’m going to share an email I received today. Do with it what you will. Have you ever felt like a wimp because you didn’t engage?
Hello Joel and family,
My name is Richard Borza. My wife Terri and I are believers in Christ who attend and serve at Calvary Chapel in Venice, Fl. My wife and I just watched a great video of Joel speaking about creation and honoring the creation God has provided through agriculture. This is the video https://youtu.be/ofTyrAYWuZY We are tired on Bio Engineered foods; Bill Gates poisons that is lab grown - processed garbage approved by the fda. We are tired of the children in our society being trained to be dependent on the system rather than God, to eat garbage, chemical laden fast foods, x-box and social media.
It has been on our hearts for a few years to obtain a farm to start a Christian Youth Camp in Roper North Carolina. I have attached a video for your viewing.
This camp will first and foremost be a Biblical Teaching Mission that spends time each day in fellowship, creating good and pure relationships for a lifetime. Where children can learn about God's way of life and develop a strong foundation in Biblical teachings. I am reaching out to you and others in hopes of raising the funds necessary to purchase the property in North Carolina to start this mission. Even if you can't help with funds, maybe you could help with spreading this mission.
Our camp will be focused on Jesus first and will teach several aspects of agriculture (regenerative farming, livestock, gardening), life skills teaching (cleaning, cooking, organizational, mechanical, woodworking), many sports and competitive activities as well as arts and crafts. The children will be assisting in everyone's daily needs while at camp.
Fellowship with people of all walks of life will only make our Country and World a better place rooted in Christ. We expect to be deeply rooted in the local communities, Churches across the Country and will extend our Camp to others around the country and maybe the world over.
The money raised will be used to acquire and develop a piece of land that will host our farm, camp quarters, camp lake, country store to help fund future camp needs, etc. In addition, the funds will also cover the construction of comfortable lodging facilities for our camp participants. Essential farm equipment and reliable transportation will be purchased to ensure a seamless experience for everyone involved.
With your help, this will help us cover the initial startup fees so that we can launch our camp successfully and make a meaningful impact on the lives of countless children. Together, we can create an environment that fosters spiritual growth, meaningful connections, and unforgettable memories for those in need of guidance and support.
Will you join us in this mission to give our children the opportunity to follow Jesus? Build a solid foundation in Biblical teachings? While steering them away from the challenges of today's societal influence? I hope and pray that you do. This is a massive undertaking that I am committing the rest of my life to complete. I cannot do this without the Leading of God. People like yourself are God's resources. We are all called to make Disciples and proclaim the Kingdom of God.
Where God guides, He provides. And I believe people like yourself, with just a little help financially or spreading the mission, can make a difference in today's youth. Our children need Jesus, not an upbringing that destroys the beautiful life God has planned for them.
God Bless you!
Proverbs 22:6
Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.
God's Country Christian Children's Camp
Richard and Teresa Borza