The American one room schoolhouse stands out as the single most effective educational model in our history.  Anyone who takes an 8th grade test administered in 1870 will see quickly that we've degraded substantially since.

             Rory Feek,  singer-songwriter, took the condolence money he received upon his wife Joey's untimely death and built a one room school house on his farm in Columbia, Tennessee primarily to give his daughter, Indiana, the kind of education our great great grandparents had.

             I spent a couple of days with Rory this weekend livestreaming the Homesteaders of America conference and doing a Q&A in his event barn, also located on his farm there.  It was all delightful.  Each weekday from 9-10 a.m. Central time they livestream the one room schoolhouse activities and then in the afternoon, it's presented as a one hour TV show on RFD TV.

             Each morning when the children arrive they do chores which include feeding chickens, moving chicken shelters, gathering eggs, and tending their individual garden plots outside the schoolhouse.  Right now the 17 students are aged 5-9; the older ones help the younger ones and it's an amazing example of communal helpfulness.

             I had the privilege yesterday morning of being the visiting guest for that one hour of videoed activity and you can see it here:

             In a time of dysfunction and cultural upheaval, harking back to the one room schoolhouse educational concept has a lot to offer.  Enjoy.

             What do you think?

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