Have you seen the documentary sequel to COWSPIRACY titled WHAT THE HEALTH?  Both of these documentaries received lots of traction, creating a big splash.  Both advocate eliminating meat from your diet and livestock from the world.

             As the sports news focuses on the Tennessee Titans NFL team and their Covid outbreak, I couldn't help but remember something.  The team has had more than 20 come down with Covid and it's crippling them for now.

             What I remembered was that in the documentary WHAT THE HEALTH, a large segment focused on the Tennessee Titans' large contingent of players who quit eating meat.  It showed them getting together for meatless dinners.  No other team was featured in the anti-meat film.

             As I've watched the team collapse with Covid, I couldn't help but remember that it was the only NFL team featured in the documentary for exemplary leadership in the anti-meat movement. 

             Could it be these two aspects are related?

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