Sunday we hosted here at the farm a Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) one-day conference and everybody left literally levitating.  I'll dispense snippets of it the remainder of this week, I think.  For those of you unfamiliar with WAPF, it was founded by Sally Fallon Morrell 20 years ago to highlight the work of Weston A. Price. 

            Prior to WWII, Price, a dentist, traveled the world trying to find the commonalities of long-lived indigenous peoples.  He documented the profound physical degeneration of civilizations when they adopted western and technologically advanced food models.

            WAPF has chapters all over the world to promote the basic tenets of traditional diets as opposed to modern diets, commonly known as SAD (Standard American Diet).   The WAPF annual conference now attracts 1,000 people and was scheduled for last weekend in Atlanta but the hotel/conference center abruptly canceled and the WAPF leadership did a pivot to this pop-up gathering at Polyface to salvage some momentum for the annual program. 

            We could only handle 300 people in our hoop house but registrations filled in a couple of days with a looooong waiting list.  It was a perfect day, came off flawlessly, and energized us all.  As people arrived, we received social media messages about hosting a "super spreader" event (spread Covid).  We did not wear masks; we hugged; we laughed--AND WE TURNED OFF OUR CELL PHONES.

            At the outset, Sally announced "a new etiquette" for gatherings.  A meter measuring electromagnet frequencies (EMFs) indicated fairly high levels for being on a farm in a hoop house.  "Everyone turn your phones to airplane mode," she instructed.  A few minutes later, the meter read 0. 

            Her contention is that Covid-19 developed as a result of massive 5G rollout and is a result of too much EMF radiation.  This is why it started in Wuhan when China launched its most aggressive 5G coverage.  It's why folks at Trump's Rose Garden ceremony got it--imagine all the microwaves around the White House, Secret Service, and top level officials with their cell phones blaring.  This is why it hits nursing homes and hospitals most--nothing has more microwaves than those institutions.

            And it explains why children are almost immune.  Their bodies are more adaptive, more vibrantly able to withstand toxicity attacks.  This theory posits that viruses are garbage collectors taking stuff OUT of cells, not bringing stuff IN.  In 1900 with rapid urbanization during the industrial revolution, we were rocked with infectious disease:  dysentery, typhus, small pox. whooping cough, diphtheria.  It took about 30 years to realize that a pell mell rush toward urbanization required sewer pipes, indoor plumbing--basically, we needed garbage collectors so we could live in our cities.

            Today, we've rushed pell mell into an EMF soup that has overrun our bodies' electrical modalities.  Viruses are the garbage collectors to grab junk and take it out of our cells and to run around in the body warning "something bad's coming; get ready."   Sally said viewing viruses as the bad guys is like seeing maggots in roadkill and assuming they killed the possum.  They're the garbage crew, not the killer. 

           And so to protect our wonderful and uplifting maskless, hugging gathering, we turned off our cell phones to drop EMF to zero and lived happily ever after. According to this thinking, the reason gatherings are spreading Covid-19 has nothing to do with viruses or spittle or germs; it's because with our indiscriminate and obsessive use of radioactive technology we put ourselves in toxic situations. 

           How would you have responded the first time you heard "the earth is round?"


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