Sometimes circumstances converge in delightful ways.  One of my favorite organizations is the Weston A Price Foundation (WAPF) founded by the indomitable Sally Fallon Morrell.  Based on the work of dentist Weston A. Price who traveled the world searching for the secret to health, WAPF promotes traditional eating and farming.

             Each year WAPF holds a wonderful conference and this year they found a hotel in Atlanta that would allow them to come unmasked.  It was scheduled for Nov. 14-16 but at the last minute, the hotel cancelled, apparently because it suddenly had the opportunity to rent out its entire space for two months.  Yes, WAPF is suing for breach of contract.  Apparently the fiasco had nothing to do with Covid.

             With only a couple of weeks to go before the shindig, WAPF did not have time to pivot to another venue or city so they did the only reasonable thing:  cancel.  But these folks don't take defeat easily and tossed around an alternative idea:  would Polyface host something?

             Hilda Gore, maven of the WAPF podcast, contacted me literally a few days ago and asked if we could host something here on the farm.  I ran it up the flagpole to my team (I'm not a dictator, by the way) and they all embraced it enthusiastically.

             So November 15--yes, like 10 days from now--from 9-4:30 or so we're cleaning out Hoop House 5 and readying it to receive talks from Mike the Fit Farmer (he's a real treasure), Hilda, Sally and yours truly.  I'm really eager to hear Sally's talk since she's just come out with The Contagion Myth that explodes literally everything about the orthodox Covid narrative.  This is the book so hot Amazon canceled it.  You have to be really bad for even Amazon not to want to make a profit on you.

             We can only handle 300 in that hoop house, but we'd sure like to fill it up.  It's short notice but it'll be extremely intimate and enthusiastic.  I'm leading a morning tour around the farmstead called "Polyface in the Winter."  Yes, we're known for pasturing everything, but what about when everything freezes, blizzards come, and the grass turns brown?  We're just bringing animals in for the winter; we still have lots out, but some are in.  Seeing things in transition will be fun if you've never been here during the off-season.

             Yes, this is a shameless promotion for the event because I really want folks to step up in support of WAPF and the healing they bring to our culture.  If you've never met Sally, this will be a day when she's not smothered with admirers and you can probably chat with her for a few minutes.  You'll never forget it.   Around here, we affectionately call WAPF disciples "Wappers" since it's easy to say.  All of us should be Wappers.

             Do you have a WAPF story?

Click HERE to register!

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