Restaurant Brands International, which owns Burger King, Tim Horton's (Canada) and Popeye's, is have a run of expansion and income acceleration. It added 1,000 restaurants last year and is making a dash for global additions.
What strikes me about this significant business increase is what Daniel Schwartz, their executive chairman attributed it to primarily: stronger consumer spending on breakfast offerings.
This has always been the last frontier of the domestic kitchen: breakfast. Fast food took over supper long ago, then it took over lunch. I think that progression was natural because when you don't eat at home for the evening meal, you have no leftovers to eat for lunch the next day. The single most obvious litmus test for eating consciously is leftovers. Spontaneous, unconscious eating does not yield leftovers.
But even if it's a Pop-Tart, breakfast has been the last bastion of the domestic kitchen. Apparently now thoughtless food is taking over that final space. This is especially heart rending for me because breakfast is definitely my favorite meal of the day.
Here on our farm, forever, we have always gone out and taken care of the animals before we eat breakfast. Growing up, even in elementary school, I fed chickens, put down hay for the cows and helped with milking before coming in for breakfast and going to school. Because I've always worked outside for at least an hour of chores prior to coming in for breakfast, I'm always famished for breakfast. Being famished helps you appreciate the sustenance more.
Furthermore, our farm does breakfast well. With sausage, eggs, grape juice, raw milk, bacon--wow, let me tell you, we do breakfast. The one thing I'm a master of in the kitchen is omelets. I've been known to cook them for supper too. I can do without lunch and supper, but don't mess with my breakfast.
And so it's a heart-piercing notion that our culture is finally giving up breakfast to the enemy. And that our country is leading the charge, worldwide, to discourage domestic culinary arts in other countries as well. I'm embarrassed by that. Can we not be good before we're great? Must greatness always mean exploitation, fast profits, and adulterated integrity?
What is your favorite meal of the day?