I’m thrilled to announced that the Rogue Food Conference is coming back to Polyface this spring May 13.  I try to keep promotions on this blog to a miniumum, but sometimes it’s really appropriate to bring you up to speed on something.

We’re bringing famous harassed farmer Amos Miller and the legal aide handling his case to this gathering, plus maverick Congressman Thomas Massie will be here, as well as other leaders in the rogue food movement.  Our goal is 400—let’s max this thing out and go home inspired.  I thought this short and pointed expression from John Moody, my partner in  crime on this movement, captures the essence better than anything I’ve written.  Enjoy.

Want to know what makes Joel and I smile?   

RFC is now entering year four. 

That means many attendees from previous years are juniors or seniors.

Folks who came to multiple events, went back to their towns, cities, farms, and communities...

We even have some standout sophomores.   

And these folks are absolutely crushing it.  

Over seventy new ventures have came out of RFC

Over two dozen new food buying clubs, food churches, or similar local food distribution systems. 

Over two dozen new farms or farms that have changed their setup to actually allow them to successfully feed their community and be profitable at the same time. 

Over two dozen new butchers, bakers, and candlestick makers or similar operations. 

To say Joel and I are happy doesn't do it justice.  

We wanted to change the landscape of food and farming in the US, not by doom and gloom, or wasting decades going toe to toe with the entrenched interests...

But how Maine, Wyoming, and other states have succeeded.  

One person.  One farm.  One homestead. 
One butcher.  One baker.  One town.

One buying club.  One food church. 
One whatever it may be. 

At a time.  

True grassroots change by empowering average folks to change where and what goes on their plates. 

And here is the good news.

There is no lack of opportunity for more folks to get into the game of actually changing  food and farming. 

Indeed, we would say there may have never been more opportunity than right now, with a populace primed for real change in ways they haven't been for decades. 

Soaring prices.  Shortages.  And so much more.  

People are looking for alternatives to the industrial system. 

So what is our goal at RFC?

Not until every town and city has alternative ways to access local and regional food.

Not until every farmer has access to butchery and value added processing. 

Not until every person can get the majority of their food direct from real farmers across their region and grow however much they want and can on their own land without government interference. 

So let us help you get in the game, and join us and go rogue. 

Joel and John


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