Over the weekend I spoke at ANARCHOPULCO in Acapulco, Mexico, enjoying 90 degrees and dripping humidity while it was 10 degrees at home. This international gathering of anarchons (anarchy conservatives) has been ongoing for about 20 years. It is in direct opposition to neocons like Mike Pompeo and Mitt Romney.
To say this was a diverse group representing the fringes of libertarians would be an understatement. When I arrived, the speaker on the stage curled my hair with his tirade against Trump and Israel. He said there was no Israel, that there is no Jew today, that Trump will end up being a tyrant. You get the picture. It was a staggering tirade.
The next day, another speaker couldn't have been more opposite. He said Trump represented a revival of everything that is decent, righteous, and freedom-oriented. But then he went on, in his euphoria, to say that Trump was going to use Bitcoin to leverage the world economy and wipe out the U.S. debt with cryptocurrency.
I asked another speaker who is a crypto guru, his own podcast, etc. about that and he said the guy was nuts, that such an idea is impossible and preposterous. At the main VIP dinner one evening, everyone at my table (7 of us) said the Trump assassination attempt was completely fake. Trump had a packet of Hollywood ketchup-blood in his hand and smacked it against his head to make it look like blood.
They couldn't answer for the alleged shooter, who hundreds of people saw being killed by security. "I guess he drew the short straw," said one of them. The big public debate I missed because I flew home before the end of the conflab was a formal debate on whether the earth is flat or round. Or something else. Oh, we haven't been to the moon and the twin towers of 9/11 were an inside job orchestrated by George W.
As I saw the various beliefs and narratives, I decided to not argue but do my farm thing and not get into heated discussions. For sure, I found great commonality regarding limited government and the basic libertarian pitch calling for closing down all foreign U.S. military bases and interventions. All foreign aid. Even marriage licenses. Marriage is not the state's business.
Two years ago Ron Paul was there. What seemed universal were anti-semitism, non-public schooling, and the notion that all taxes are stealing. I did an interview and took the position that taxes are not stealing. I'm not an anarchist; we need protection from evil and bullies.
The government stands in the place of God to execute judgment in societies. Both Romans and I Peter give the reason for government: to be a terror to evil and an encourager of righteousness. Pretty simple, actually.
Like many of society's fringe elements, sometimes you need to let the completely weird stuff go. Flat earth, we never went to the moon, covid didn't exist, Trump wasn't shot at--all this stuff eliminates your credibility in the big scheme of things. We have plenty of things to work on that aren't as weird; I say pick the low fruit first.
I was glad to go, to be invited, and my message of non-chemical farming and self-reliance was universally well received, so I don't think I made any enemies there, but lots of friends.
What's the weirdest conspiracy theory you've ever heard?