Greg Glaser is the general counsel for Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC), which has filed a lawsuit in federal court against the President of the United States for the national vaccination program.  The request includes prohibitory injunction against the program and the ultimate relief, a national informed consent exemption.

             This case started long before Covid, but certainly Covid gave it new urgency.  The first hearing was Feb. 22 in Sacramento federal district court, where the judge dismissed it, saying "I don't see the president's hand in this," according to Glaser.  The group has now appealed it to the 9th Circuit.

             The reason for going after the president, whoever he may be, is because the executive branch promulgates all vaccine policy.  The various agencies like Centers for Disease Control (CDC), National Institutes of Health (NIH) and others  that establish policy are all within the executive branch. 

             For the first time, PIC is litigating vaccine risk analysis, using both its own data as well as data from government agencies and pharmaceutical companies.  Much of this data is buried deep in studies or available through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.  Using its network of practicing doctors, the PIC found 1,482 Americans who had never been vaccinated.  Glaser said that to his knowledge this kind of control group has never been assembled before; it is groundbreaking research.

             As he quipped:  "wouldn't you think that pharmaceutical companies would try to prove that unvaccinated people are sicker than vaccinated?"  What the research showed was that these unvaccinated people are the healthiest folks on the planet.  Among these 1,482 adults, they had one case of diabetes, zero cancer, and one case of autism (but that one had had a Vitamin K shot--not a vaccine, but something of dubious consequence).  Actually, this corroborated a couple of earlier similar studies that have been ignored by the medical community.

             Comparing official numbers of disorders among adults with this unvaccinated control group yielded astounding results. Here are a few:

             Adults with one chronic disease:  vaccinated 50 percent, unvaccinated, 5.7 percent.

             Adults with five chronic diseases:  vaccinated 12 percent, unvaccinated, 0.

             Adults with food allergies:  vaccinated 6.5 percent, unvaccinated 1.1 percent.

             Adults with developmental disabilities:  vaccinated 6.99 percent, unvaccinated .81 percent.

             Adults with digestive disorders:  vaccinated 18 percent; unvaccinated, .04 percent.

             Adults with epilepsy:  vaccinated 1.2 percent; unvaccinated .07 percent.

             Submitting these findings to statistician geniuses yielded the astounding probability of these correlations being random as 1 in 1 followed by 68 zeros--a pretty big number. 

             In the decade 1983 to 1993, the number of chronic illnesses (10 percent) and number of vaccination doses stayed exactly the same, but from 1993-2018 both followed an escalating trajectory to 38 percent chronic.  This 99 percent correlation is strong enough to yield a causation conclusion, mathematically.

             Historically, the PIC position is that the efficacy attributed to vaccines came from engineers, not drug companies.  Chicken pox, polio, measles and the others all declined precipitously with the advent of indoor plumbing, refrigeration, more stable food availability, better personal hygiene and municipal sewage systems.  Both tuberculosis and scarlet fever subsided without a vaccine ever developed for them. 

            Glaser said the current Pfizer covid vaccine creates twice as many adverse events for those vaccinated versus those not, according to their own internal studies. As a result of these findings, PIC prepared educational documents for virtually all the vaccines and included risk assessment. 

             Why must all this information be hard to find?  In Glaser's words, "vaccines are the door into chronic diseases."  In other words, without the national vaccination program, big pharma would lose millions of customers later in life. 

             Due to Operation Warp Speed, the current Covid-19 vaccinations have been green lighted under Emergency Use Authorization, which means so far everything is still officially experimental.  The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has ruled that it's okay to fire an employee for refusing to take the vaccine.  Glaser predicted this would be litigated.

             Interestingly, the lawsuit can use numerous precedents.  One is an early 1900s ruling that for a doctor to intervene with any medical procedure against your will is akin to assault and battery.  That line of argument has its roots in common law's right to be secure in our persons, which includes the right to self-defense.

             The fact that so far all the Cobid-19 vaccines are experimental raises the option of using human guinea pig rules that grew out of the Nuremburg trials.  Nazis were prosecuted for conducting medical experiments on non-consenting Jews and this created another layer of precedent for experimental medical practice.  The need to learn or innovate cannot override the right of personal consent.

             Much of this effort grew out of California's SB277 that required all day-care to 12 graders to be given a host of vaccines except those medically exempted.  The medical exemption created a burden on alternative doctors using a different approach to health.  Following clever templates making it easy for these alternative practitioners to secure medical exemptions, the state rewrote the law as SB276 which granted exemptions only for reasons cited by the CDC contraindication list, a one-size-fits all regulation.

             I have no idea if Glaser is a conspiracy adherent, but he did say that an infectious disease is perhaps the only thing that can make an otherwise freedom-loving people turn on each other in an anti-freedom frenzy and feel good about it.  That's something to ponder.

Do you trust the Covid vaccines?