Whereas courts have ruled that citizens have no right to choose the source of their food, meaning no legal standing to sue for redress when denied options, and
Whereas many food buyers desire to purchase alternative foods not sanctioned by food regulations, and
Whereas licensing and regulatory oversight is prejudicial against small and innovative processors and marketers, and
Whereas this interventive scale prejudicial culture inhibits market choice, and
Whereas personally choosing your microbiome’s fuel is fundamental to human agency, and
Whereas much government licensed food contains chemicals, ultra processing, and unpronounceable ingredients of questionable safety, and
Whereas the collusion between food regulators and the industrial food complex incentivizes existing dominant players to the detriment of possible start-up competitors, and
Whereas America’s dominant food industries are centralized, concentrated, and interested primarily in price and profit rather than nutritive quality, and
Whereas these issues deprive people of competitively priced options in the marketplace, and
Whereas personal responsibility for decision consequences coupled with an Uberized capacity to monitor quality publicly and in real time ensures integrity, and
Whereas food safety, security, and stability are enhanced by neighbor-to-neighbor food options,
Be it therefore resolved that the right of people to purchase the food of their choice from voluntary sellers shall not be infringed.
What do you think? Would this new administration get behind this?