The Lunatic Farmer

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                 For many years people have tried to get me to do a video curriculum but nobody brought all the pieces to make it work.  I actually don't like video and camera work much--it's way too tedious  ("Wait, a jet is flying over.  Wait, a cloud just went by and changed the lighting.")

             I'm a complete Luddite when it comes to video work.  Goodness, we never had and still don't have a TV.  Our rural wifi does well to just handle emails; forget Netflix.  But I'm well aware that video is the future.   I decided that if it was to be, someone would come along with all the components necessary to make it doable for me:  entrepreneurial savvy to share risk, professional video and cinematography talent; story telling skill; keen interest in creation stewardship and self-reliance; marketing genius.

            Through my relationship with legendary singer-songwriter Rory Feek, an outfit with all these qualifications stepped into my life.  One thing led to another and eventually these guys pitched a concept, bringing everything to the table that I couldn't or didn't want to do.  All I had to do was design the course and do the teaching.  That's in my wheelhouse, as they say.

             I'm constantly amazed these days by the number of inquiries I get for information that's in my 14 (soon to be 15) books.  I've not held back my advice, experiences, or lessons learned; it's out there in books.  You don't have to upload them, turn them on, or worry about losing them.  But more and more folks get their information through video lessons.  I love nostalgia, just not obsolescence. 

             We have a threesome:  videography crew, marketer, and me.  No guarantees to any of us; we're all risk-taker entrepreneurs.  Last fall, we videoed the content and now it's been edited and is ready to launch. I made a comprehensive outline titled  FOUNDATIONS OF FARMING AND HOMESTEADING with the following major headings:

             Dreaming to Grow

            Determining Location

            Designing the Landscape

            Defining the Plan

            Dodging Mistakes

            Developing Mobility

            Deciding Profitability

             The 17 episodes will be offered for sale for one week beginning Mar. 15--next Monday.   I'm not selling them and neither is Polyface.  If you're interested, get on the email list for updates this week using this link

             As the saying goes, I'm as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.  Will this prove that video is the future, or will it be the biggest flop ever developed?  I'm not sure this takes more effort than writing a book.  I know the sigh of relief when they're done is similar.

             When seeking information, what percentage do you get from video versus books?