Happy Independence Day week, everyone.  I’m not going to be political at all today. I’m going to make sure you’re aware, and then make a case, for investing in information.  My mentor Allan Nation used to say “information is the best investment you can ever make.  Have you ever read a book that didn’t yield a $100 idea?  And what did you pay for the book?”

                  Of course, as founder and editor of The Stockman Grass Farmer magazine,  he had a self-serving motive for his statement—he was selling information.  But it’s hard to dispute the basic concept; the  hundreds and hundreds of books in my house indicate I think information is a worthwhile investment.  

                  Now in a bald-faced promotion, I’m going to promote the upcoming Stockman Grass Farmer gathering here at Polyface August 22-23.  I handpicked a slate of presenters who I consider my mentors.  Yes, these are the folks I’d pay to go hear.

                  Darren Doherty, founder of Regrarians, native Australian, probably the premier landscape planner in the entire world.  He’s worked in half the countries on the planet throughout his lifetime and knows how to get you water where it’s scarce; how to get you trees where you need them; how to integrate design and ecology to move your landscape to a new level of efficiency and productivity.  He’s a landscape jedi. 

                  Dan Kittredge, founder and CEO of the Bionutrient Food Association. He has more knowledge about nutrient density in foods than anyone on the planet and will bring us up to date on his latest efforts to create benchmarks of nutrition in various foods.  He’s headed toward eliminating every third party certification and bringing empirical measuring techniques to everyone. 

                  John Kempf, founder of Advancing Eco Ag, perhaps the foremost agronomist on the planet.  He’s horse and buggy old order Amish, but has more books in his house than I do.  He’s as at home explaining soil deficiencies based on weeds as he is discussing quantum physics.  A veritable genius. 

                  Kit Pharo, founder and president of Pharo Cattle Company, the world’s largest grass-based seedstock producer in beef cattle.  A wordsmith and true entrepreneur, you’ll never think about cattle the same way after one of his presentations.  I devour his newsletter every time it comes out and he always challenges the existing paradigms. 

                  Michael Godfrey, one of the foremost ornithologists in America.  He’s also a grass farmer, marrying his love of agriculture with his love of birds and especially grassland birds.  He’s been looking at how grazing and haying schedules impact bird populations and is one of the most interesting people I know.  His eclectic wealth of understanding in ecological practice and history is unprecedented.

                  Tai Lopez, founder of The Knowledge Society and internet guru of millennial entrepreneurs, will address “The Anatomy of a Maverick.”  He’s hilarious, bordering on stand-up comedy status, with one of the most eclectic business minds of our modern era.  You’ll want to be a better maverick after this presentation. 

                  There you have it, the most entertaining, experienced, and educated group you could imagine; all here, in one place, at one time, and you can chat with them to your heart’s content.  I’m going to be levitating.  Of course I want Polyface to break even on this gig, but more than that, I want folks to hear the people who float my boat because staying afloat in these days takes some deep water.

                  I can’t believe all these world class friends said “yes” to my invitation; if you don’t invest in anything else this year, trust me on this:  you won’t regret investing in this group.  You can lose a lot of money on a farm; before you start, or before you continue, drink the good stuff Koolaid.  It’ll be the best two days you ever imagined.  See you there.  Here’s the link for tickets STOCKMAN GRASS FARMER EVENTS, or you can call SGF at 601-853-7755.

                  Have you ever been to an SGF gathering?