Have you ever wondered what the dimensions are of a home-made cattle chute?  A head gate?  So much is manufactured today that the idea of making these things from scratch is hardly on anyone's agenda.  But if you have a template, you can bootstrap a lot of things that otherwise would cost thousands of dollars.

             The holding pen and cattle chute portion in POLYFACE DESIGNS is prettied up in these diagrams, but it's all based on the overall objectives for low stress handling articulated by Temple Grandin.  I built this and installed it before she began manufacturing her set-ups.

             This book is full of that kind of do-it-yourself low-cost ideas.  I've always been thankful that our family didn't have wealth because it made me creative.  You get innovative when you're hungry.  POLYFACE DESIGNS reflects that hunger.

             It's 568 pages of diagrams and text that consolidate a life-time of tinkering and trial and error so you can make new mistakes.  Who wants to repeat old mistakes?  Chris Slattery, the former apprentice and engineer who conceived this project and has truly shepherded it through, has an eye and ear for what's important.  You'll be grateful for the wisdom and technical help he puts down in every page.

             Pre-orders start in August and the book should be available by the end of August.  Right now we plan to offer it through the Polyface gift shop (www.polyfaceyum.com) through Christmas before releasing it to Amazon next year.  Thank you for your patience.

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