This morning we had a heart-seeking conversation with the leaders at Mother Earth News magazine which unfortunately has been caught up in racial allegations against Polyface Farm and me specifically.

             The firestorm that developed over the weekend on social media stemmed  from a Nov. 22, 2019 post.  The post, entitled "Whining and Entitlement" was intended to extol the virtues of leadership and charging ahead . . . alone.

             In 2020 hindsight, and in current cultural context, I can see that some references I used can be offensive.  My blog routinely offends big ag, bureaucrats, big pharma, etc, on purpose.  But I never intend to offend people due to their race, religion, culture, gender, or creed and I'm sorry that this post did.  Awareness is an ongoing process. Thank you for helping me see.

             At the end of the day, our overriding goal is to grow better food, build soil, caretake livestock, and build stronger communities.  At the same time, we believe in open constructive conversations.

             I'm listening.