The Lunatic Farmer

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            Faithful followers know that Dr. Sina McCullough and I have just released BEYOND LABELS, a conversation between a farmer and a nutritionist PhD. about food, farming, and health.

             Sina's story is amazing.  In her early 30s, her family planned her funeral.  Numerous auto-immune diseases wracked her body and even destroyed her will to live.  But she had an epiphany one day:  "My health is up to me."  That freed her from dependency and enslavement.  Using her academic prowess, she pulled back the curtain on the food and farm system and found healing and empowerment.

             Saturday, Aug. 15, 7-8 EDT, Sina and I will host a private Q&A session by invitation only to folks who review the book.  Sina gives you a private link to join the conversation and we'll do our best to answer as many questions as we can.

             This is, of course, a marketing technique to gin up reviews for the book, which drives sales.  Sina is savvy and sharp in this arena, and she's pushing me to do things I've never even contemplated before.  But that's what good partners do for each other, isn't it?

             So if you want to jump on this opportunity, follow the flyer and we'll look forward to talking with you Saturday evening.  Thank you.