Anyone who has ever loaded pigs has stories.  They are funny . . . months later.  It takes awhile to move the memories from nightmare to mirth.

             In the upcoming POLYFACE DESIGNS book we've been teasing about for a couple of months, Chris Slattery, former Polyface apprentice and engineer, diagrams the simple and efficient pig loading systems we use on the farm.  You can't cheat at loading pigs.

             They're too smart and too strong down low to the ground.  Their center of gravity--all 300 pounds of it--is somewhere below your knees.  And their eyes are a bit higher than your ankles.  That means to them we look like a bunch of bowling pins and they are like over-sized bowling balls.  Get my drift?

             That means you have to get set up.  And if you miss them on attempt number one, they won't be trickable on attempt number two.  A riled up pig is not like anything you've ever encountered.  Like I said, these stories are only funny months later.

             Lots and lots of people are considering raising pigs for the first time.  As the pandemic wreaks its response path, backyard chickens, home gardens and personal food security are trending hot.  That's a great thing.  In POLYFACE DESIGNS we do our best to prepare you for the infrastructure and thinking that will make this new venture into food production fun and not a nightmare.  Who wouldn't want to grow their own bacon?

             And if you've been doing it for a long time, I guarantee this book will have ideas and drawings you'll find helpful to refine your existing infrastructure.  Within two weeks we plan to open it up for the greatly discounted introductory pre-order opportunity.  We'll run that until we get them in hand about Sept. 21, then we'll bump it up closer to the cover price.

             Thank you for your interest and patience through this project.  Have a great weekend.

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