We're coming closer on the POLYFACE DESIGNS BOOK.  I'm happy to announced that next week, Friday, we'll begin taking pre-orders.

             Whether you are a natural builder or not, this compendium of all the infrastructure at Polyface will give you the how-to drawings and procedures to duplicate these bootstrap do-it-yourself projects.

             It includes how we build electric fence without purchasing expensive supplies.  That includes simple white knobs and aluminum wire to make our own gate handle loops. 

             Much of our success is because we have not been independently wealthy so we've had to be creative to make-do.  Upon close examination it won't look like factory-made, but the results are just as good.  The cows really don't care; all that matters is does it work? 

             Next week this space will have the link to get the large discount off the cover price for about a month.  To my knowledge, nothing like this exists in the integrity agriculture space and I know it will provide hours of perusing time even if you never build anything.

             It's on the way.  Thanks for being patient.

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